Comments on: What is TK? Tue, 30 Jan 2024 15:45:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anne Mon, 23 May 2016 13:41:33 +0000 TK is wonderful & exhausting. You really need a full time assistant or low class size. Educate parents at the beginning. Phonemic awareness & beginning math skills are very oral, use manipulatives, thus not as much “product to take home that looks academic. This can scare parents. Just educate them–no need to run off a bunch of stuff. TK is go, go, go! There is no down time at the beginning of the year. You don’t have to prep as much “stuff” because it’s so hands-on. It’s a great grade as long as you don’t have to have a TK /K split. All of the studies have found (& it’s common sense)that the kids don’t get as much developmentally appropriate activities. Wear tennis shoes, be prepared, get help in the classroom, & smile! TK is a great program.

By: Amanda Mon, 23 May 2016 12:47:10 +0000 I applaud you! I was a Kinder in the 60’s and a Preschool then Kinder Teacher in the 90’s. Joseph (Joe) Jonas was my student in Dallas one year! 🙂 The contrast between what I did and what I was asked to teach is vast. I have had more than 800 children under my tutelage and can affirm that allowing a child to embrace at their own pace is so very healthy. Yes, we want to challenge them. But the above class mentioned used ABeka; a very challenging curriculum and I had not only talented Joe, but 9 international students- most who did NOT speak English let alone be ready to learn to read it! I still recall several children who were U.S. born who struggled. In later years I moved on to teach all grades. I am returning to Preschool (4K) this fall and happy to say that the philosophy is healthy and the children learn quickly because of the lack of pressure. Such a difference between inviting and insisting that a child learn! You NEVER KNOW the future of those entrusted to you. It is best to discover their “bend” and encourage them to grow! Hugs and prayers to/for you in your new venture!

By: Stefanie Mon, 23 May 2016 11:49:56 +0000 Hi, Elizabeth
I have taught K for 24 years in the private sector. Next year, I am moving to PreK (no TK inRhode Island) in a different private school where most of my children will be those that you describe – just missing the cut off or needing a little extra time. I’m excited for many of the same reasons. I hope you’ll be writing about your experiences.Good Luck!

By: Palma Lindsay Mon, 23 May 2016 05:10:10 +0000 You will LOVE it! I taught TK for my last 3 years here in CA. If you EVER need anything like ideas, just let me know. My blog reflects a lot of TK and K ideas. I’m so happy for you! I know you will love it as much as me!

By: Barbara Harmor Mon, 23 May 2016 00:16:50 +0000 So excited to see your post. My daughter and I want to start one of these… After teaching kindergarten for some 30 years I want to “retire” and do this “TK” thing! I have caught for years with my school that starting to early is such a disadvantage for children!
Is your school paying you??
What is the class size?
I am thinking of using an old Treasures reading program…because it had gotten to simple for my kinders. I still have all the materials I made myself;-)
My school was also using 1st grade Saxon so I thought I would go back to the old kindergarten level;-)
I loved doing the “FLUFF” as my school called it and I felt that it built strong social skills….so I want to go back to that;-)
Also blocks and kitchen and dollies and dinosaurs…. Well you get the idea!
I so want to stay connected to you to see what you do and what your day is like … You were right on in saying you want to go back to old school kindergarten …the way I use to teach it “BACK IN THE DAY” heehee
Fondly, Barbara Harmor
